Friday, March 19, 2010

A Monterey Day

Did I mention I'm back "home" in CA at the moment? Well, I am. I'll be here another 2 weeks or so, and am looking forward to doing a bunch of fun stuff and catching up with everyone!

Yesterday my best bud Stanley and I took a little drive down to Monterey (where Corey is this week, although we timed it poorly and didn't get to see him- lame). We had a lot of fun; the weather was gorgeous! We walked along the ocean, took pictures, ate on Cannery Row, talked, laughed, and bought A LOT of Taffy Town's salt-water taffy (long story...). It was a great day!

A little different from the blizzard I was in this time last week...

1 comment:

crazy bunny lady said...

Yay! I'm so glad you are enjoying yourself! Monterey is so much fun!